Supercharged reliability,
data correctness, and scalability
The Ultimate Node Service
Powerful node infrastructure for blockchain and crypto applications.
Get Started
Amplify your blockchain and crypto projects with powerful shared and dedicated nodes from Particle Network APIs. We globally-distributed distributed node services designed for stability, scale and speed.

With industry-leading uptime, connection reliability, and 24/7 node monitoring and maintenance, Particle Network APIs node infrastructure solution makes building on the blockchain simple. We take care of your nodes, while you focus on growing your business.
Automatic deployment
Fully managed
99.99% uptime
Leverage blockchain data with RPC endpoints
Interact with blockchain nodes using all supported JSON-RPC methods.
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Innovative architecture for Web 3.0
Industry leading node services tailored to your specific needs.
Learn More
Infinitely Scalable
Running and scaling your own node infrastructure is expensive, time-consuming, and error-prone. Particle Nodes Services are carefully engineered to handle millions of users and billions of daily requests. Focus on your app and let us do the heavy lifting.
Data Consistency
Particle Network infrastructure ensures data correctness and consistency. All Particle Nodes are always fully synced and can accommodate even the most demanding real-time dApps.
Monitoring & Insights
Keep track of your node usage and logs. Particle Network monitors your nodes in real-time, using powerful metrics so you can have a better understanding of your product's usage, performance, and insights.
Fully Managed Nodes
Particle Network takes care of the monitoring and maintenance of both shared and dedicated nodes, avoiding any downtime. Particle Network also updates your nodes in advance, keeping disruption to an absolute zero.
Smart Load Balancer
Particle Network's engine intelligently spreads requests across nodes to maximize speed and capacity utilization, ensuring high response time, complete data correctness, and scalability for your dApp.
Instantly Available
No syncing time, no waiting–access all nodes with just one click.
Supernode infrastructure diagram
Infrastructure optimized for growth
Networks Supported
Avg Processing Time
100+ TB
of Big Data
Regular Codebase Auditing for Peace of Mind
By industry-leading providers to ensure the highest level of wallet safety.
The industry leading Web3 API Build it fast. Scale anytime